the workshop
Take a tour of the Lake country uk workshop

We enable ourselves to produce consistently high quality workmanship by investing heavily in our working environment.

Security & Insurance
While your car's with us, its safety and security is paramount
For your protection, and for ours, we are fully insured for all cars that enter our workshop – including specifically for accidental damage and for theft/vandalism, which not all detailing companies have cover for. Our policy covers us for all cars, including multi-million pound cars such as Bugatti, Koenigsegg etc.
We have invested in numerous extensive security, protection and prevention systems that we’d rather not divulge here. Suffice to say that your car’s security is a prime concern.
Should you leave a car of significant value with us, we will be happy to share our insurance details and specifics.
So we don’t have to compromise, our workshop has multiple vehicle lifts each carefully positioned and offering its own characteristics to suit all types of car. It is common for us to remove wheels for cleaning and treatment (allowing better access to the brake callipers and wheel arch too). We have no trouble working on lower portions of the car’s bodywork during high-end detailing packages (for example polishing carbon rear diffusers on a supercar). We can set any car to a helpful height when applying protection, minimising contamination and ensuring the highest quality finish.

Featuring over 200 fixed and portable lights – including LED, strip and spot, metal halide, halogen and more, each attuned to diagnosing different types of imperfections and all switchable by remote control – our workshop is the perfect environment to identify and remove flaws. For example, strip lamps are better for showing up orange-peel, sinkage and wobbles in the paint, whereas spot lights are better to show swirls and scratches. By working on every car under such critical conditions, we can be certain that out in the real world our results will look even more astonishing!
While mechanical work is no longer a core part of what we offer, we do still have the equipment and the know-how. In recent years we undertook a bare-shell, engine-out, glass-out restoration of a Ferrari F355, fitting a Fiorano handling pack and Capristo exhaust while we were at it. The skills involved in such a job are not required in 99% of the work we carry out, but it should be reassuring to know that we have them!